Parent Lineage
6204:  6,204' UT 384' Rise
63476,347' 5,900' 447' UT
Wingate Mesa7,020' 6,180' 840' UT
Tables of the Sun, North7,140' 6,460' 680' UT
Tables of the Sun, Middle7,260' 6,660' 600' UT
Tables of the Sun, South7,425' 6,620' 805' UT
Moss Back Butte7,736' 6,180' 1,556' UT
Bears Ears, East9,058' 8,260' 798' UT
Horse Mountain9,300' 7,620' 1,680' UT
West Mountain11,014' 9,685' 1,329' UT
10 Abajo Peak11,360' 6,803' 4,557' UT
11 Burro Mountain11,570' 11,014' 556' CO
12 Sharkstooth Peak12,464' 11,945' 519' CO
13 Lavender Peak13,237' 12,859' 378' CO
14 Hesperus Mountain13,238' 10,394' 2,844' CO
15 Grizzly Peak13,753' 12,937' 816' CO
16 San Miguel Peak13,756' 12,442' 1,314' CO
17 Vermilion Peak13,909' 11,804' 2,105' CO
18 Sneffels, Mount14,155' 11,125' 3,030' CO
19 Uncompahgre Peak14,318' 10,069' 4,249' CO
20 Harvard, Mount14,424' 12,074' 2,350' CO
21 Massive, Mount14,427' 12,444' 1,983' CO
22 Elbert, Mount14,438' 5,346' 9,092' CO
23 Whitney, Mount14,494' 4,415' 10,079' CA
Green = More Prominent Parent

Immediate Children:
Wingate Mesa, North6,100' 360' UT
57105,710' 450' UT

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