Passing of Roger Linfield


Passing of Roger Linfield

Postby Dan Bereck » Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:23 am

In early November, the Colorado mountaineering community lost one of its best and brightest. Roger Linfield passed away from complications from cancer, after an 8-month struggle, at age 66. Roger had 110 12ers remaining to become the next Colorado 12er finisher, which he would have achieved, and 1 peak outstanding to finish the Colorado Top 900 summits. He had completed the 14ers and 13ers very quickly. Roger was one of the strongest and most competent mountaineers in the state, up until his sickness. He was proficient at leading technical rock climbs at a high level and unselfishly took others up some of the most difficult peaks in Colorado. Lizard Head, Turret Ridge, Twin Peaks, McReynolds Peak, and many other technical summits were led by him. He also had vast experience leading technical rock routes in Yosemite and Eldorado Canyon, as well as many other climbing areas. For several years, he was a volunteer for the Action Committee for Eldorado (ACE) and other outdoor oriented groups. He was a very charitable person, financially supporting various organizations, and he never desired any recognition. Even though he had climbed various peaks in New England when he was younger, he did not pursue Colorado summits until he was in his 40s. He then summited a lifetime of peaks in a short period of time. State high points were also one of his pursuits and he hiked up 42 of the 50.

Roger was a quiet person overall but when encouraged to talk about physics, astronomy, Yosemite, birds, or mountains, he was full of words and very knowledgeable. He was one of the most unselfish mountaineers one could ever know. Being very patient with others and at ease in the rock environment, he often took friends up summits or rock routes that were more difficult. He enjoyed hiking with others but he was perfectly comfortable hiking alone. He was very efficient with his peak quests and he was an excellent route finder. Numerous Colorado summits throughout the state have waterproof peak registers placed by Roger. He will be greatly missed by his hiking and climbing friends and the mountaineering community.

Roger was a PhD Physicist by profession and he worked at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California for many years prior to re-locating to Boulder to work 14 years at Ball Aerospace before retiring in 2015. He is survived by his loving wife Brenda who he married over two decades ago.
Dan Bereck
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Re: Passing of Roger Linfield

Postby davebobk47 » Thu Nov 19, 2020 10:04 am

Very sad to hear this. I had the pleasure of meeting Roger for the southern Cielo Vista 13ers while he was pursuing the higher 12ers on the ranch. Without a doubt this is a great loss to the mountaineering community.

Thank you for sharing.
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Re: Passing of Roger Linfield

Postby JohnCollard » Thu Nov 19, 2020 10:30 am

Roger was a great friend and will be truly missed.
Roger P. Linfield 1954-2020
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Re: Passing of Roger Linfield

Postby Dan Bereck » Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:32 pm

On a more personal level, Roger was a remarkable individual as well as a skillful mountaineer. I cherished my peak trips with him and he always made mountain adventures fun. Luckily, I knew about his condition and I was able to talk and communicate with him up until near the end. He was strong and courageous the entire time just like he was in the mountains. I thoroughly enjoyed our conversations on trips and he made physics and astronomy always sound so interesting. He also had a deep respect for his dad and his distinguished military service to which I could relate. We did many harder summits together, as well as easier ones, over the years and Roger was always a joy to hike with and he never complained. He belayed me up my final Colorado Top 800th summit and he was there when I finished the Colorado Top 1000. Roger would have been the next Colorado 12er finisher (1313 peaks) and I was looking forward to being there with him when he did it. I am very thankful that Roger was part of my life and he will never be forgotten. Thanks Roger and may God Bless You. Montani Semper Liberi.
Roger 800.png
Roger 800.png (176.84 KiB) Viewed 26187 times
Dan Bereck
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Re: Passing of Roger Linfield

Postby TeresaGergen » Thu Nov 19, 2020 1:43 pm

I'm very sorry. I never had the chance to climb with him, but could tell just from the times we talked at social events that he was a good person and a kind soul. I hope his family and friends are able to find some comfort in knowing he lived life well.
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Re: Passing of Roger Linfield

Postby MarkSchmalz » Thu Nov 19, 2020 3:06 pm

As Dan mentioned, Roger was incredibly strong in all areas of climbing. He felt comfortable leading challenging climbs, moved at speedy clip, and truly helped others reach their goals. He loved being in the mountains and loved his wife, Brenda, even more. I had the good fortune of being on several backpacking trips, including Mt. Rainier. He talked of Brenda, his profession, and the state of the world. He certainly made my life richer. I think anyone who climbed with Roger would say the same.
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Re: Passing of Roger Linfield

Postby Dave Cooper » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:04 pm

Sad news indeed.

I did have the good fortune to climb a few peaks with Roger and always enjoyed our conversations. We had some spirited discussions on Joshua Tree climbing, a favorite for both of us. I remembering him saying that he didn't like to climb hard routes that might damage his fingers, so only climbed up to 5.11 trad!

Years ago Roger provided us a comprehensive list of his favorite climbs in Joshua Tree, which we used extensively on many trips there.

Roger will be missed.

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Re: Passing of Roger Linfield

Postby DaveLanders » Sun Nov 22, 2020 2:33 pm

I'm sorry to hear this news. I enjoyed talking to Roger at several of the Climbers Gatherings. I never got to climb with Roger but we did run into each other on the summit of Gothic Mtn. We got there at about the same time, but Roger had already climbed 2 other peaks earlier that morning!
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Re: Passing of Roger Linfield

Postby Jeremy Hakes » Wed Dec 15, 2021 10:39 am

Roger smaller again.JPG
Roger on top of The Turret.

I'm sorry I missed this. Roger was a fantastic person to spend any time with. I was fortunate to climb at North Table with him a couple of times (all trad, none of that sport "easy"!) in preparation for our climb of The Turret (still not repeated by anyone sane).

He was funny, humble, tremendously brave and supportive, and a true pleasure to climb with. He also shared his love of birding with us as well, and was able to add a bird to his "life list" while we were doing the Turret.
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