I had always thought that Blanca Peak was the high point of three counties (Huerfano, Costilla, and Alamosa). But I see that 'Huerfano Co. HP" is listed as a seperate point. Looking at the stats, it also see that it's placed 1/10,000th of a degree N and 1/10,000 of a degree E of the actual summit of Blanca.
Well, I climbed Blanca the other day. And, truth be told, we wandered all over the summit area to take pictures and soak in the view. So, can I also claim credit for the "Huerfano Co. HP," or only Costilla and Alamosa counties??
(BTW, my own on-site readings for lat. and long. differ from the published stats by more than 1/10,000th of a degree, and I've usually found my GPS unit to be pretty accurate in this regard.)