New List suggestion

Potential lists to add to the existing array

New List suggestion

Postby ClimbingCooneys » Mon Aug 27, 2007 1:18 pm

A note to Mr. Kirk,
This website with all the different lists is a "Type A" persons dream come true. You've done and continue to do a great and useful job. One additional list we thought of that perhaps has been mentioned before would be to have some way to record and count multiple ascents of the same peak. We never can seem to remember what our total count is. Just a suggestion for someone who obviously enjoys this kind of challenge.
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Postby John Kirk » Mon Aug 27, 2007 3:04 pm

Howdy - just saw your name(s) in a register yesterday on the Williams Traverse. This suggestion has come up twice before since the date change implementation went into play. I will come up with a solution at some point in the near future.
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Postby Layne Bracy » Tue Aug 28, 2007 3:51 pm

Here's another stat wish with little practical value:

From someone's complete summit log for 19xx-2007, produce a graph/chart showing the composite number of peaks climbed for each calender month.

As a bonus stat, the computer could also calculate:

John Kirk has summitted peaks on 175 of 366 possible calendar days.
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Postby John Kirk » Tue Aug 28, 2007 4:36 pm

LayneBracy wrote:Here's another stat wish with little practical value:

From someone's complete summit log for 19xx-2007, produce a graph/chart showing the composite number of peaks climbed for each calender month.

As a bonus stat, the computer could also calculate:

John Kirk has summitted peaks on 175 of 366 possible calendar days.

A bar chart could be created relatively easily for the first suggestion. The second one begs the quintessential question of life - what calendar days have I not summited on? :rofl:
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Postby John Kirk » Wed Aug 29, 2007 5:41 pm

There is an option now for adding multiple ascents and changing dates upon CO member login. The date range query and charting now incorporate this data (charts can toggle this on/off) and the Recently Climbed section will also include this. The peak pages will have a count in parens() for multiple ascents such as this example of my count for Bushnell Peak:
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Postby Jeremy Hakes » Wed Aug 29, 2007 10:08 pm

Suh-weet. My type A just hit another gear. Although I think I might still be in low-transfer...
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Postby RyanSchilling » Thu Aug 30, 2007 7:50 am

Oops... I accidentally added a third ascent of Democrat. How do I remove it?
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Postby John Kirk » Thu Aug 30, 2007 8:41 am

RyanSchilling wrote:Oops... I accidentally added a third ascent of Democrat. How do I remove it?

There is a delete repeat ascents link on the login page:
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Postby RyanSchilling » Thu Aug 30, 2007 9:07 am

Thanks, I was looking in all the wrong places.
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Postby John Kirk » Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:54 am

LayneBracy wrote:...From someone's complete summit log ...graph/chart ...
As a bonus stat...
... of 366 possible calendar days.

I have added this stuff to the menu on the same page you can run the 5-year Cumulative Charts from:

I will be a bit busier with work in the upcoming weeks so NO NEW REQUESTS :disturbed: (for a month or so, anyway) :-P !

Looks like you need to get busy on the higher peaks in April :roll: !
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Postby Layne Bracy » Fri Aug 31, 2007 9:38 am

Thanks, John! This will give me some more enjoyable peak entry in the next day or so!

John Kirk wrote:Looks like you need to get busy on the higher peaks in April :roll: !

True, but it's not as bad (zero) as it looks. Fortunately, the REPEATS feature will allow me to correct that with a couple 14er repeats in April.

Also, the only time I have ever been over 15K occurred in an April, on a couple trekking peaks in Nepal. Which brings me to another request (not to be officially put in for a month 8) ) --- what about allowing for users to add entries to their summit log for peaks not in the LOJ system? This opens a can of worms, since it allows users leeway in describing peaks.

My thought is that a user would be able to enter a date, peak name and elevation (maybe Y/N for ranked or not), and country or US state. This would allow users to have their COMPLETE summit logs on LOJ. These peaks could be seen on the dates climbed section, and perhaps there could be a place to view members' peaks outside the LOJ lists.

Obviously, there are issues, such as certain states are not available now on LOJ but will be within several years, but I think that could be handled...
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Postby DSunwall » Thu Sep 06, 2007 12:02 pm

WOW, I'm just catching up with the latest here. Winter Peaks, repeat peaks.

Now we need a user guide! take a break John. :please:
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