Features no longer requiring donations

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Features no longer requiring donations

Postby John Kirk » Tue Sep 26, 2017 1:37 pm

Previously, downloading one's complete list of peaks or viewing peaks/maps with a date/date range required a donation in the last 365 days. Also, viewing one's own progress on County Summit lists or Quadrangle Progress required a donation. These features have been modified to no longer require a donation related to your own ascents.

Your Peaklist: https://listsofjohn.com/peaklist
Your Peaks Within a Date Range: https://listsofjohn.com/daterange
Your Quad Progress (example): https://listsofjohn.com/quad?q=10757
Your County Summit Progress: https://listsofjohn.com/ctymap

A map of your ascents for the current year can be found from the "My Profile" link on https://listsofjohn.com/Members/main.php, then the link to your stats summary page (listsofjohn.com/m/your_login_name), and the "Click here to see peaks climbed in 20xx" link.

Also, the "View your ascents for the last 30 days" link presented after logging a peak with a date now returns your ascent list without a donation requirement:
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John Kirk
LoJ Architect
Posts: 1608
Joined: Sun Jan 02, 2005 1:04 am
Location: Lakewood, CO

Re: Features no longer requiring donations

Postby davebobk47 » Wed Sep 27, 2017 9:21 am

I'm still going to donate every year :)

Some people just don't understand the value of this site...
Posts: 76
Joined: Sat Dec 05, 2009 1:25 pm
Location: Woodland Park, CO

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